Tornem a casa - Segonamà

For my 24th birthday, my brother wrote this song for me.🥺
(Yes, this is the best present ever)

One year later, we recorded it together with this homemade video. ♥️

La Ferida - Silvio Álvarez

Silvio and I wrote this song together some years ago. I never dared to share it.

Until now. ✨

It may be too cheesy, and maybe I would do it differently today, but listening to it is a way to reminisce who I was back then, and that's why I like it. ☺️

Put your records on - Cover

I’ve always been obsessed with this song, but when I discovered Rit Momney's version, I went crazy. 🙃 After singing it 1000 times in a loop, I recorded it. ✌🏼Iuuuuhu, enjoy it. 👯‍♂️